Free Spirit Wildlife Shelter

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G’day! My name is Jenny. I have been rescuing, rehabilitating and caring for wildlife and domestic animals for approximately 25 years. My father and I always had a passion and a natural affinity for animals and I have continued to follow in his footsteps. Whilst growing up we had various birds, wallabies and possums. Dad often took my brother and I bird watching, something that I fondly look back upon as it developed my interest in all critters great and small. For as long as I can remember I have cared for various critters: - possums, birds (all sorts), echidnas, the occasional wallaby, lambs, ducks, chooks, and the list goes on...

Featured on this site are some of the memorable animals I have reared over the years.

My mission statement is:--

That I will uphold and promote the welfare of all animals that come into my care and ensure that these animals entrusted to me are cared for with compassion and respect. Whether it is wildlife or domestic animals, I will do my utmost to endeavour that no animal will suffer needlessly at the hands of humans or other animals.


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